Monday, September 22, 2008


I've been having a difficult time getting supplies for the Farm locally. What little I find is geared to the gardener or large farm, not much in between. This morning I went to the Ag supply company to get 100 pounds of oats for cover cropping. they don't carry oats. After much thinking, they referred me to a grain company the might sell me that small a quantity (100 lbs is small) if they had it. No one answered the phone there. <>

I thought that this was going to be another adventure, like when I was looking for a mere 10 lbs each of oat and red clover seed this past spring. Then it hit me--Duh-- call the guy you got the oats from. (He had extra and gave me 10 lbs.) He used oats, he could tell me where to get a larger quantity.

Well it turns out he GROWS the oats (for cow feed) and sold me 100 lbs for a very reasonable price. Yeah!

Now I just have to plant them.....