Friday, September 26, 2008

Freezer Camp

It looks like I might have found a chicken processor. Yeah! I have been wanting to send Stewie off to "freezer camp" for a few weeks now. He has gotten mean. My 9 year old nephew came to visit for a weekend, and Stewie went after him every time he saw him. He went after me big time the day that I wore the muck boots that my nephew started wearing to protect himself. And today he made a half hearted attempt on my leg. I really hope the processor lead pans out. I'll probably take the other two boys too, not that they are any trouble, but I don't need any roosters.

1 comment:

Laurelinn said...

Poor Stewie!LOL! You should save the feathers, you can use then for craft projects later. I got a tip that if you freeze them for a few days it takes care of any nits they may have had.