OK, not everywhere, just in the bathroom. I broke down and bought 18 four week old Golden Comet pullets. I got them From Jim Pecora in Macedon (www.naturebettyfarm.com) Here is some info from Mt Healthy Hatchery (www.mthealthy.com)
"The Hubbard Golden Comet has been widely acclaimed in all areas of the world where brown eggs are preferred. The reason is simple. The Golden Comet pullet is easily one of the finest brown egg layers available today. They mature early and lay eggs of excellent size and quality. She is an extremely quiet bird, that seems to be able to withstand the colder, non-insulated, laying houses of the small flock owner, better than most breeds. The Golden Comet is a buff sex-link strain. The chicks may be sexed by color, pullets red-roosters white. When mature, the Golden Comet pullet is golden red in color, but has some white showing through in her neck and back."
I have two of these in my flock right now and I just love them! great personalities, and lovely big dark brown eggs. And they laid all winter too, what more can you ask for?
I was going back and forth on whether I wanted more chickens, and finally caved and got them. They are so cute! But a bit stinky for raising indoors, so I will be happy when they are big enough to go outside!
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