Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Garage Doors Are Fixed

I know, not real exciting to most people, but I have a three car garage type thing. (I think it used to be a three horse barn kind of thing.) And two of the three doors didn't open. I wanted to put the firewood in the one that connects to the "workshop" (Believe me that is a great stretch of the term!)Which means carting it through the workshop, up the ramp, and then stacking it...OR get the door fixed. I called Scott Blue at Marion Garage Door (Marion, NY). Great Guy and fixed them right up! I highly recommend him. Now if I could just get the wood to stack itself....

Friday, September 26, 2008

Freezer Camp

It looks like I might have found a chicken processor. Yeah! I have been wanting to send Stewie off to "freezer camp" for a few weeks now. He has gotten mean. My 9 year old nephew came to visit for a weekend, and Stewie went after him every time he saw him. He went after me big time the day that I wore the muck boots that my nephew started wearing to protect himself. And today he made a half hearted attempt on my leg. I really hope the processor lead pans out. I'll probably take the other two boys too, not that they are any trouble, but I don't need any roosters.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Yesterday evening my firewood for the winter was delivered. 10 Face cord. How much is 10 face cords? Enough to fill up my whole driveway! I'm going to be very busy stacking wood this weekend. Feel free to stop by this weekend and help, or at least swing by with some Advil.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well the one thing I hate about fall is all the outdoor "critters" are looking for nice indoor digs for the winter. Last night I had a mouse visit. (I like to think it was only one mouse...let me have my fantasies!) Normally I would put out poison in the places that the mice are likely to find attractive, and that would be the end of the problem. But this year I have chickens, and I'm afraid they will find a poisoned mouse, eat it and poison themselves. Oh what to do!

I have several lovely outbuildings. (well lovely for mice anyway) Why can't they just move in them? Yeah I know, they probably are in there too.

Monday, September 22, 2008


I've been having a difficult time getting supplies for the Farm locally. What little I find is geared to the gardener or large farm, not much in between. This morning I went to the Ag supply company to get 100 pounds of oats for cover cropping. they don't carry oats. After much thinking, they referred me to a grain company the might sell me that small a quantity (100 lbs is small) if they had it. No one answered the phone there. <>

I thought that this was going to be another adventure, like when I was looking for a mere 10 lbs each of oat and red clover seed this past spring. Then it hit me--Duh-- call the guy you got the oats from. (He had extra and gave me 10 lbs.) He used oats, he could tell me where to get a larger quantity.

Well it turns out he GROWS the oats (for cow feed) and sold me 100 lbs for a very reasonable price. Yeah!

Now I just have to plant them.....

Friday, September 12, 2008


Well I finally got a name for the farm. I went last week and registered it (got my DBA) at the County Clerk's office. I feel so official. So now that I have a name, I'm setting up a blog, and then a website to sell my herbs and herbal products. I know nothing about websites (or blogs for that matter) so this should be an adventure.